v1.40.1 - [07-09-2024] - New: Misc UI improvements. - New: Adjusted game reactions. - New: Say hello to new staff. - Bugfix: Fixed email sending. - Bugfix: Reconnections have been fixed. v1.40.0 - [06-03-2024] - New: Added game reactions. With their help you can express your mood. New emoji will be added in future updates. - Bugfix: Notifications (level, gold) now have a static upward movement vector. - Optimization: Minor optimization. v1.33.0 - [05-21-2024] - New: New ship in oriental style: Taiping. - New: Changed crates texture - Bugfix: Reconnection has been slightly fixed. v1.32.0 - [05-06-2024] - New: Implemented reconnection system. - Bugfix: Fixed a lot of exploits. If you still get disconnected without being able to reconnect, please report that on our Discord Server - https://discord.gg/Et2JXpG5Ds v1.31.2 - [05-01-2024] - New: Increased Silent Dragon and Baby Fancy turning speed. - New: Added disable notifications setting. - Bugfix: Misc bug fixes. v1.31.1 - [04-30-2024] - Event: Clanless Week event ended! Clanless Week - [04-23-2024] - Event: All clan and alliance related features will be disabled for a week: - Players from the same clans are able to damage each other. - Clan and alliance chats were removed. - Once the event is over, all changes will be reverted. v1.31.0 - [04-19-2024] - New: Rebalanced most of the ships. - New: Rebalanced Reinforced Planks and Titanium Barrel items. - New: Server performance improvements. - New: Removed VPN detection. - Bugfix: Misc bug fixes. v1.30.3 - [04-03-2024] - New: April fools event ended! - Bugfix: Misc bug fixes. April Fools - Part 2 - [04-02-2024] - New: Added new ships! April Fools - Part 1 - [04-01-2024] - New: April fools event! v1.30.2 - [03-29-2024] - New: Your score on Wall of Fame is now only saved after you leave. - New: Improved bounty system. - New: Re-balanced shooting system. - New: Re-balanced several ships. - New: Re-balanced several items. - New: Re-balanced trading routes. - New: The skin you previously selected is automatically chosen in the customization menu. - New: Misc changes. - Bugfix: Fixed clan/alliance chat not showing up when joining a clan/alliance. - Bugfix: Misc bug fixes. v1.30.1 - [03-22-2024] - New: Improved bounty system. - New: When you dock/open a menu, mouse gets automatically released. - New: Misc performance improvements. - Bugfix: Misc UI bug fixes. - Bugfix: Patched several server crashes. Make sure to check out the new tutorial! - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=O1vQke0RNX0?autoplay=1&rel=0 v1.30.0 - [03-14-2024] - New: Added a new tutorial! - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=O1vQke0RNX0?autoplay=1&rel=0 - New: Departing now takes 7 seconds. - New: Rebalanced Flying Dutchman ship. - New: Rebalanced Revolver item. - New: Added new hotkeys, updated Help menu. - New: UI changes. - New: Misc changes. v1.29.3 - [03-12-2024] - New: Departing now takes 5 seconds. - New: Added "Confirm Transfer Ship" option, now you won't accidentally make someone else captain! - New: Rebalanced Queen Anne's Revenge. - New: Misc changes. v1.29.2 - [03-08-2024] - New: Reconnection system improved. - New: Rebalanced Bruiser, Blue Gunpowder, Red Gunpowder, Kraken's Caliber. - New: Rebalanced Boat 1, Boat 2, Boat 3 - New: Misc UI changes. - Bugfix: Fixed scrolling not working in some menus. If you still get disconnected, please report that in our Discord Server - https://discord.gg/Et2JXpG5Ds v1.29.1 - [03-07-2024] - New: Rebalanced Steel Barrel. - New: The crabs no longer randomly move. - Bugfix: Fixed departing time exceeding 10 seconds. - Bugfix: Fixed scrolling not working in some menus. - Bugfix: Fixed the game not loading for some people. v1.29.0 - [03-06-2024] - New: Massive performance improvements. - New: Added new FOV input, now you can select FOV % - New: Added "Confirm Leave Clan" option, now you won't accidentally leave your clan! - New: Changed clan join request timeout to 1 minute. - New: Departing and docking now takes 10 seconds. - New: Restores now save your ships' HP. - New: WOF and clan WOF are now updated every 3 minutes. - New: Re-balanced & re-sized several ships. - New: UI revamp of many menus. - New: Massive staff panel changes, added temporary bans, getting 2 warnings no longer kicks you. - Bugfix: Fixed account registration, password reset functions. - Bugfix: There can no longer be multiple seadogs with the same nickname. - Bugfix: Fixed ship name overlapping ship clan. - Bugfix: Fixed several types of disconnections. If you still get disconnected, please report that in our Discord Server - https://discord.gg/Et2JXpG5Ds v1.28.4 - [01-20-2024] - New: Lock cargo now only prevents from buying cargo. - New: Changed AFK timer to 20 minutes. - New: Increased max length of the ship name to 25 characters. - New: Rebalanced Black Oyster, Pinta and Drifter. - New: Misc server optimizations. v1.28.3 - [01-05-2024] - Event: New Year event has ended! - New: Rebalanced Corsair's Rampart and Kraken's Caliber. - New: Corsair's Rampart and Kraken's Caliber debuffs only affect you if you're captain. - New: Rebalanced Pinta and Echelle. - New: Renamed 'Damage Reduction' to 'Armor'. - Bugfix: Patched an error with ship and items armor. New Year update - Part 2 - [12-29-2023] - Attention: Play the game and check out all the new changes! - Event: New Year event will start soon. New Year update - [12-28-2023] - New: New Year Update! - Event: New Year event will start soon. v1.28.2 - [11-02-2023] - Event: Halloween event has ended! Halloween update - Part 2 - [10-31-2023] - New: Added new items and rebalanced old items. - New: Added new trading goods. - New: Minor changes. - Bugfix: Patched a pumpkin exploit. - Attention: You must to be logged in to participate in the event! Halloween update! - [10-30-2023] - Event: When night falls in Krew.io, the loot boxes turn into pumpkins. Collect as many pumpkins as you can with your fishing rod to get on the Halloween Wall of Fame. The top 15 players will receive a commemorative prize. Attention! You must to be logged in to participate in the event! Join our discord server to receive event rewards and just have fun! ---> Krew.io - https://discord.gg/Et2JXpG5Ds v1.28.1 - [10-25-2023] - New: Re-balanced several ships. - Bugfix: Fixed FD hitbox. - Bugfix: Fixed shop bugs. v1.28.0 - [09-10-2023] - New: Added a new ship: Echelle! - New: Improved connection stability and site loading speed. - New: The crabs have learned to walk. - New: Your character now keeps 2x speed while undocking. - New: Staff panel has been improved. - New: Re-worked ban system. - New: Trader 1, Trader 2 and Trader 3 hitboxes have been improved. - New: Say hello to new staff! - New: Minor improvements. - Bugfix: Fixed a bug that allowed to pick up the same chest/loot several times. - Bugfix: Fixed several bugs related to chat. - Bugfix: Minor bug fixes. - Bugfix: Patched a lot of exploits and server crashes. v1.27.0 - [08-14-2023] - New: All quests have been completely reworked: All requirements and rewards have been changed, new Ruby medals have been added, pirating quests now require damage, bug with trading quests has been fixed. - New: Improved ship Shop! You can now see ship regeneration in the shop, you can see ship special buffs when you hover over the ship's image. - New: Brazil and Cuba got a new island model! - New: Fixed a bug with alliance chat. - New: Staff panel has been improved. - New: Re-added Caribbean font. - New: Re-balanced several ships. - New: Changed the clan join request timeout to 3 minutes. - New: Minor improvements. - Bugfix: Minor bug fixes. - Bugfix: Patched a lot of exploits and server crashes. v1.26.0 - [06-23-2023] - New: Added new alliance system between clans! Clan owners can declare alliances between their clans, and players from the allied clans won't be able to kill each other. - New: Added new chat for alliances. - New: Improved automatic refunds after disconnects. - New: Added 3 new beautiful skins. - New: Re-balanced several ships. - New: Improved the performance. - New: Added new quality mode for players with a bad PC. - Bugfix: Fixed a bug due to which it was impossible to ping some clans. - Bugfix: Reduced the amount of downloaded data to increase the speed of loading the game. - Bugfix: Minor UI bug fixes. - Bugfix: Patched a lot of exploits. v1.25.2 - [06-06-2023] - New: When you abandon the ship / get kicked from it, you lose all your cargo. - Bugfix: Fixed a bug when you weren't able to buy the Fountain of Youth. - Bugfix: Minor UI bug fixes. - Bugfix: Patched a lot of exploits. v1.25.1 - [06-05-2023] - New: Added a new ship: Queen Anne's Revenge! - New: Completely reworked all trading routes. - New: Added a cargo table (Hotkey - T) which shows what cargo you need to buy to get profits. - New: Re-added wall of fame for clans. - New: Increased the maximal FOV to make sniping easier. - New: Changed the Fountain of Youth. - New: Re-balanced several items. - New: Say hello to new staff! - Bugfix: Fixed several disconnection issues. - Bugfix: Improved the performance. - Bugfix: Fixed a clan bug. - Bugfix: Minor bug fixes. v1.25.0 - [05-20-2023] - New: You now respawn on islands. - New: Increased the amount of crabs. - New: Collecting crabs now regens your ship HP. - New: Battalion, Royal Fortune, Boat and Destroyer got their own special stats. - New: Buffed healing from collecting loot with the ship. - New: Improved ping system. - New: Re-balanced several ships and items. - New: Added a /block nick and /unblock nick commands (chat). You don't see messages from blocked players. - New: You can now see your clanmates on the minimap! (Disabled by default. There is a button to turn it on/off in Game Settings) - Bugfix: Fixed one of disconnection issues. - Bugfix: Fixed cargo buy/sell bug. - Bugfix: Minor bug fixes. v1.24.0 - [05-08-2023] - New: Added a new item: Corsair's Rampart! - New: Added a new "emoji" system: you can now send emoji in chat! (:heart:) - New: Added a new "ping" system: you can now ping people! Your text will be highlighted for them. (@nickname) - New: Re-balanced bounty and treasure chest. - New: Re-balanced several items. - Bugfix: Minor bug fixes. v1.23.2 - [04-30-2023] - New: Small changes in damage system. - New: Re-balanced a lot of ships! - New: Re-balanced a lot of items! - New: Re-worked Kraken's Caliber. - Bugfix: Minor bug fixes. - Bugfix: Fixed infinity depart bug. - Bugfix: Fixed a refund exploit. - Bugfix: Fixed a lot of exploits. v1.23.1 - [04-27-2023] - New: Added a new ship: Pinta! - New: Added an auto-restore system. - New: Re-balanced several ships. - New: Buffed Kraken's Caliber. - Bugfix: Minor bug fixes. - Bugfix: Fixed a server crash bug. - Bugfix: Fixed a cargo bug. - Bugfix: Fixed a lot of exploits. v1.23.0 - [04-23-2023] - New: Re-balanced trading routes. - New: Re-balanced several items and ships. - New: QOL changes in UI. - New: Improved the connection (less disconnections). - Bugfix: "Fixed" white screen. - Bugfix: Fixed slow UI updates. - Bugfix: Fixed 15 seconds undock. - Bugfix: Fixed a lot of exploits. v1.22.1 - [04-19-2023] - New: Re-worked damage system! - New: Say hello to new staff! - New: Golden fish have appeared in the seas of Krew.io! - New: Increased amount of crates in the sea. - Bugfix: Fixed a lot of exploits. v1.22.0 - [04-18-2023] - New: Completely re-worked damage system! - New: Say hello to new staff! - Bugfix: Fixed a 'chat troll' script. - Bugfix: Fixed a lot of exploits. - Warning: If you got banned for no reason, ask for help in our Discord Server - https://discord.gg/Et2JXpG5Ds Please show us your feedback about damage re-work in our Discord Server! https://discord.gg/Et2JXpG5Ds v1.21.0 - [04-15-2023] - New: Completely re-worked bounties! - New: Added new hat. - New: Re-balanced some ships. - Bugfix: Fixed server crash bug. - Bugfix: Fixed a lot of exploits. v1.20.1 - [04-08-2023] - New: Updated the bank! - New: Small rebalancing. - Bugfix: Fixed 2 server crash bugs. v1.20.0 - [04-03-2023] - New: April fools event ended! - New: Kraken's Caliber item! - New: Improved the connection performance. v1.19.2 - [04-01-2023] - New: Added a Mysterious Ship! v1.19.1 - [04-01-2023] - New: Added a Mysterious Ship! - New: Re-balanced trading. - New: Re-balanced ships. - New: Re-balanced items. v1.19.0 - [04-01-2023] - New: April fools event! v1.18.2 - [03-19-2023] - New: Added new music! - New: Re-worked some quests. - New: Improved performance, reduced amount of lags. - Bugfix: Patched one of disconnect issues. - Bugfix: Patched bots. - Bugfix: Fixed a lot of exploits. v1.18.1 - [03-14-2023] - New: Added new music! - New: Added a button to lock your cargo. - New: Improved bounty system. - New: Re-balanced some ships and items. - Bugfix: Fixed a bug when the invite link did not work. - Bugfix: Fixed a bug when you couldn't leave the clan. - Bugfix: Fixed a lot of exploits. v1.18.0 - [03-11-2023] - New: Increased the size of the world and added 2 more islands! - New: New features in clans. - New: Added bounty system. - New: Re-worked chest spawning system. - New: Almost all ships were rebalanced. - Bugfix: Fixed a bug when the clan of the ship did not change after transferring the ship. - Bugfix: Fixed a lot of exploits. v1.17.1 - [03-03-2023] - New: Reconnection system added! - New: Silent Dragon and Raft got 2 maximum krew capacity. - New: Re-balanced Demolisher and fixed the Air Pegleg price. - New: Re-worked shooting system. - New: Added Raft to the Jamaica. - New: Changed AFK Kick timeout to 15 minutes. - Bugfix: Fixed an issue where the invite link sometimes wouldn't work. - Bugfix: Fixed a lot of exploits. v1.17.0 - [02-25-2023] - New: 4 New Items: Reinforced Toolkit, Red Gunpowder, Swift and Revolver. - New: Flying Dutchman, Demolisher, Drifter, Blue Gunpowder, Air Pegleg and Nitro Peg have been rebalanced. - New: Healing from pick-up boxes has been nerfed. - New: Re-worked shooting system. - New: Refreshed logo. - New: Say "Hello" to new staff members. - Bugfix: Fixed clan owners not being able to kick members of their clans. - Bugfix: Fixed a lot of exploits. - Bugfix: Fixed all bugs when buying ships or items. v1.16.3 - [01-21-2023] - New: New ship - Silent Dragon. - New: Seadogs on the island no longer fly over water. - New: Ships no longer spawn in the center of the island. - New: Baby fancy 2 has been removed. - Bugfix: Fixed bugs when buying ships. v1.16.2 - [01-11-2023] - New: New water texture that provides more performance. - Bugfix: The number of sailors is greater than the capacity of the ship. v1.16.1 - [01-04-2023] - New: Remove raft 2 and raft 3. - New: Increased raft speed. - Bugfix: Fixed some hacks. - Bugfix: The crabs are back. v1.16.0 - [12-26-2022] - New: New island models. - New: New ship - Flying Dutchman. - Improvement: Each server has its own bank. v1.15.5 - [12-14-2022] - Bugfix: Fix WoF bugs. - Bugfix: Fixed a lot of server bugs. - Improvement: Changed ship name height. - Improvement: Registration Interface. v1.15.4 - [11-28-2022] - New: Сlam has been replaced by starfish. - New: The oyster model has been slightly modified. - New: Now ships do not disappear in the list of docked ships. - Bugfix: After registration, an email will be sent to you. - Bugfix: Some pirates returned the NW icon for a reward. Now in place! - Balance: Damage is now independent of fire rate. - Improvement: Minor code refactoring. v1.15.3 - [11-21-2022] - New: Added new (13) skins in Japanese style! - New: Ship - Battalion (available in Guinea). - Balance: The price of bf has been increased. - Improvement: Minor code refactoring. v1.15.2 - [11-06-2022] - New: Added new (5) skins! - New: Small change in prices in Spain. - New: Small ui changes. - Bugfix: Fixed flying bug when buying a ship. - Bugfix: The bank has become friendlier. - Improvement: Minor code refactoring. v1.15.1 - [11-01-2022] - New: Refreshed logo. - New: Added selection of all islands for spawn. Removed "random island" selection. - New: Say "Hello" for new staff. - Bugfix: There was always 50,000 in the bank. - Bugfix: Edited Baby fancy model. - Balance: Requirements on buying Demolisher and Titanium Barrel have been removed. - Balance: Traders were buffed. Halloween update! - [10-28-2022] v1.15.0 - [10-20-2022] - New: Temporarily reduced the size of the world and returned 5 islands. - New: The fog got thicker. - New: Third server temporarily disabled. - Bugfix: Some skins are not available for selection. - Bugfix: Bug with non-English keyboard layout. - Bugfix: Bug, when respawning on the island, the player got stuck. - Improvement: Reduced size of downloaded files. - Improvement: Minor code refactoring. v1.14.7 - [10-14-2022] - Patched several exploits. v1.14.6 - [10-11-2022] - Patched bots. v1.14.5 - [09-25-2022] - Update build process. v1.14.4 - [09-05-2022] - Changed compression system to mitigate disconnections. - Fixed some issues for players who play on game portals. v1.14.3 - [08-27-2022] - Fixed some issues with clan features. - Cleaned up some parts of the client. v1.14.2 - [07-13-2022] - Fixed crabs / clams not appearing on top of islands. - Patched some recently opened stat exploits. - Patched some client disconnect issues. v1.14.1 - [06-22-2022] - Updated ads. v1.14.0 - [05-28-2022] - Fixed account registration (again). - Fixed seadogs randomly having clan tags. - Patched loot tables exploit. - Patched botting. - Revamped mute system. - Revamped Admin Panel. - Revamped action logging. - Seadogs now have randomized skins. - Buffed Night Wind. - Buffed fire rate, distance, and damage stats. - Buffed Titanium Barrel. - Nerfed Steel Barrel. - Implemented ads. v1.13.0 - [05-22-2022] - Reverted all changes by former owner, Blackbeard. - Patched respawn exploit. - Updated to Bootstrap v5. - Removed anti-AFK system for staff. - Removed Wall of Fame for Clans. - Fixed player movement gliding issue. - Fixed player disconnection issue. - Major code refactoring. - Temporarily fix email verification. - Nerfed Demolisher. - Nerfed Titanium Barrel. - Broke all splash modals. v1.12.0 - [05-13-2022] - Fixed an issue where boats were opaque while docked. - Ship and item balancing. v1.11.12 - [05-12-2022] - Fixed ship loot drops. - Leaderboard and ship stats now update every second. - Fixed some staff-related logic. - Fixed bans. v1.11.11 - [04-24-2022] - New: Added new (12) beautiful skins. - Optimization: Minor code refactoring v1.11.10 - [04-14-2022] - New: Added many new beautiful skins. - Optimization: Minor optimization v1.11.9 - [04-09-2022] - New player model: "Choco"! - Players cannot go outside the island circle - The Wall of Fame for players is updated once every half an hour. The Wall of Fame for clans is updated once per hour. - Updated video tutorial - Fixed 2 issues that caused disconnect - Minor optimization v1.11.8 - [04-05-2022] - Clan Wall of Fame restored - Smooth movement on the minimap - Fixed a bug that caused designers to get banned - Reduced size of downloaded files - Player Wall of Fame and Clan Wall of Fame have been reset - Game sessions have been reset. This may cause loss of user settings (necessary measure) - 3rd server removed. (it will be restored in the future) v1.11.7 - [04-02-2022] - Say hello to new staff - Added new skins for seadogs - The minimap template has been updated - Raider model fixed v1.11.6 - [04-01-2022] - April fool event v1.11.5 - [11-22-2021] - Patched a hack that allowed players to gain big sums of gold - The wall of fame has been reset - Big fishes are now more rare v1.11.4 - [07-10-2021] - The legend says that the Night Wind was seen near Cuba - Users are now automatically logged-in after registering and verifying their email - A message has been added to warn users to verify their email after registering - Removed the ad that spawned after dying - Fixed an issue with the reset password - Fixed an issue with the verification emails v1.11.3 - [05-10-2021] - Fixed an issue that prevented players to shoot cannons while docking - Optimization: Minor optimization v1.11.2 - [05-05-2021] - Dropping gold amounts from sinked boats have been balanced to avoid abuse - There is now a chance to catch bigger fishes or whales - Value is now proportional to the fish size - Hitboxes are now bigger, will be further improved soon, to properly fit the boats - Verification email when registering should now work properly - Fixed an issue that caused the fishing rod to sometimes loot the same item multiple times v1.11.1 - [05-02-2021] - Multiple performance optimizations, client should now perform better (FPS), more coming soon - Data download reduced - Fixed the rotation spinning/linear movement issue when undocking and tabbing out v1.11.0 - [04-19-2021] - Smoothing: Most objects movements are now smoother - Physics: Better physics when walking on a boat or island - Players no longer start flying when buying a boat and wearing fishing rod - Players no longer walk on water - Players no longer float above the boats - Players can now properly walk on their docked boat - Testing: Player movement is a bit faster, might revert - Moderation: Unbanned everyone - Note: This is my first update and I rewrote a lot of stuff everywhere in the code, please report bugs/issues in the discord. Also refresh your browser cache if you're stuck with the old version. v1.10.5 - [04-18-2021] - Removed pre-roll ads v1.10.1 - [03-18-2021] - New clan leaderboard v1.10.0 - [03-13-2021] - Revamped UI - New Raft model v1.9.1 - [03-05-2021] - Fixed audio timing for shooting the cannon - Swapped new island music track with the old ocean music track - Decreased timeout for ending battle music - Increased cooldown on fishing rod - Kill messages are now hidden when the UI is hidden v1.9.0 - [03-04-2021] - Added battle music - Added another ocean music track - Added another island music track - Fixed island and ocean music not being properly switched - Fixed sound effects not always playing due to the file already being played - Music now fades between tracks - Raft and Plank masts are now separate from their bodies - Plank now has a sail v1.8.0b - [03-02-2021] - Fixed Titanium barrel not having any effects - Fixed Bruiser not appearing in the shop - Fixed issues with boat previews in the shop and in Staff UI v1.8.0 - [03-01-2021] - Added Staff UI - Fixed buttons in the Krew list modal - Nerfed Titanium Barrel - Buffed Blue Gunpowder - Increased Demolisher price - Removed item rarity - Items are now sorted alphabetically in the shop v1.7.3 - [02-27-2021] - Fixed toolbar not having any orange borders to indicate selected tool until switching tools - Improved bank and shop sizes - Modified compiling client side code - Small performance improvements v1.7.2 - [02-24-2021] - Added "U" hotkey for toggling the game UI - An orange border now shows around the selected tool in the experience panel - Added Titanium barrel - Fixed keybinds being initiated before joining the game - Fixed issues with the Calm Spirit model - Improved the Trader and Black Oyster models - Moved game settings to it's own tab in the ship status modal - Made more of the UI responsive to the viewport size - Updated the help menu v1.7.1b - [02-22-2021] - Fixed captain hat obstructing first person view - Fixed item descriptions showing incorrect stats - Increased Demolisher price v1.7.1 - [02-21-2021] - Added adjustable zoom with the spyglass (Scrolling) - Rewrote saving to WOF to resolve issues - Fixed the help menu appearing by typing "H" in certain text fields - Buffed Demolisher - Nerfed Drifter - Modified cargo prices v1.7.0b - [02-18-2021] - Fixed edge cases with WOF scores not saving - Fixed players being unable to be unmuted - Ships now only drop 1/2 of their gold instead of 2/3 - Increased Drifter price to 400k - Increased allowed timeout length to help prevent disconnects v1.7.0 - [02-17-2021] - New Trader and Destroyer models - Added ability to set sail visibility in game settings - Added Commodore skin - Added Ship Master hat - Fixed boat labels being at incorrect heights - Fixed random fishing lines in the sea not being removed - Fixed scores not saving to the Wall of Fame - Fixed account game settings not being set properly - Fixed the tab key selecting elements instead of traversing different chats - Fixed the game over screen - Boats, Traders, and Destroyers now scale their size based on their revision - Sunken ships now drop 2/3 of their gold infinitely instead of being capped at 300k - Days now last for 20 minutes and nights last for 10 minutes - Made night slightly brighter - Modified ship stats - Modified item stats - Improved chat colors v1.6.0 - [02-14-2021] - New Boat model - Added hats to player customization - Added skeleton skin - Added Helper and Designer in game roles - Krew mates now have a unique chat color - Clan mates and Krew mates now have unique player label colors - Fixed players who abandon a Krew showing with the captain color in chat - Fixed players sinking into ships when on low HP - Fixed issues with item shop showing incorrect equipped items - Modified cargo prices - Modified chat colors - Modified main page button colors - Improved socket connections to avoid disconnects v1.5.1 - [02-11-2021] - Fixed game inputs on typing in text fields - Fixed tools being used when clicking in menus - Fixed bank balance values - Fixed the cannon icon on death messages not being shown - Fixed menus extending beyond the bottom of the screen - Modified cargo prices - More UI improvements - More performance improvements v1.5.0 - [02-10-2021] - Rewrote client side - Added back the palm tree at Jamaica - Added FOV slider in game settings - Fixed fishing hook alignment - Fixed numerous console errors - Improved console logging - UI improvements - Removed spyglass vignette - Spyglass can now see ship labels at all distances - Spyglass can now look up - Added all ships to buying ship quests - Decreased asset sizes for faster load times - Multiple performance improvements v1.4.2b - [01-27-2021] - Fixed whitespace detection on username creation v1.4.2 - [01-27-2021] - Fixed email verification system v1.4.1c - [01-13-2021] - Fixed ads v1.4.1b - [01-12-2021] - Fixed players not receiving a raft when spawning on islands v1.4.1 - [01-11-2021] - Fixed incorrect player rotation on the minimap on islands - Fixed projectiles, particles, and nametags showing water through boats - Improved water movement - Buffed spyglass - Tweaked player nametag position - Improved lighting - Increased player triangle size on the minimap - Updated tutorial video link - Updated socials - Modified scrollbars - Minor performance improvements v1.4.0b - [01-09-2021] - Patched register VPN detection - Tweaked front page v1.4.0 - [01-09-2021] - Remade Water - Remade sun lighting - Client performance optimizations v1.3.1 - [01-07-2021] - Added Krewmate skin - Added Steel Reinforced Planks and Advanced Toolkit Items - Fixed players having a chance at spawning in an island - Fixed clan markers not being responsive to world size - Added model preview for Seafox - Switched moderator display name from "[Mod]" to "[Staff]" - Switched Philippines silk price from 125 to 200 - Updated wiki link v1.3.0 - [01-06-2021] - Expanded and remade map with 5 new islands - Added 3 new good types; gems, sugar, and bananas - Added Seafox skin - Fixed music and quality account settings not being set correctly - Ping stat now shows if your connection was lost v1.2.0 - [01-03-2021] - Added player customization - Added ping and FPS stats - Added titanium barrel - Fixed more clan bugs - Fixed boundaries on QBJ, QBJ2, Raider, and Fortune Trader - Increase player limit to 250/server - Improvements to graphics v1.1.0b - [01-01-2021] - Buffed Black Oyster speed, regeneration, cargo, and health - Fixed random disconnects - Fixed admin commands v1.1.0 - [01-01-2021] - Added Nitro Peg - Added 4 new ships; Junkie, Raider, Black Oyster, and Fortune Trader - Fixed abandoning ship on islands - Made clan data responsive to cold storage rather than hot memory - Added more commands for Krew staff v1.0.2b - [12-30-2020] - Fixed cargo exploit. - Fixed Adinplay video ads and banner ad. - Manually resolved clan / player discrepancies where the clan does not exist but the player's clan is of that clan. - Fixed false 'Invalid Username' errors while registering due to incorrect whitespace detection. v1.0.2 - [12-29-2020] - Added ability for users to set a default Krew name and default game settings in the manage account panel - Added clan tags to chat - Fixed invite links (again) - Fixed clans bugs (kicking, leaving, promoting) - Fixed join Krew messages - Fixed captains unable to boot players from their Krew on islands - Fixed abandon ship - Fixed joining a random Krew - Fixed tempbans v1.0.1 - [12-26-2020] - Added reCAPTCHA on registration to prevent bot spam. - Fixed chat not autoscrolling on mobile devices / smoothened scroll behavior. - Fixed cargo exploit. - Fixed extra krew member glitch. - Fixed false positives on multi-tab / same-account detection. - Added a 24-hour cooldown on changing sensitive account data (username / email). v1.0.0 - [12-25-2020] - Brand new login. - Christmas tree, snowman, and santa hat. - Major improvements to game performance. - Major improvements to security. - Fixed bank showing that player is not logged in. - Revamped clans. - Fixed some graphical glitches dealing with loading screen / ingame UI. PRE-V1 RELEASES ---------------- [10-31-2020] - Added day / night cycle. - Fixed a bug with login. [10-30-2020] - Fixed clans. [10-29-2020] - Fixed login. [09-07-2020] - Login, sfx, and music added. Added one additional server. - Minor changes to UI. Fixed a bug with clans. [06-22-2020] - Added pirate chests. - Minor UI changes. [06-19-2020] - Speed meter added. - Minor UI changes. [06-14-2020] - Clan owners added. - Fixed major exploits which allowed players to manipulate the graphics and sound of the game. [04-18-2020] - Added notifications for clan actions. - Fixed chat not scrolling down when switching between global and local chat. - Fixed "0K damage" in player leaderboard. - Greatly optimized network data transfer between client and server. [04-10-2020] - Stop players from force quitting during a battle. - Different calculation for dropping loot. - Fixed fishing bug. - Fixed multiple login glitch. [04-07-2020] - Added gold and "level up" message. - Players can place a marker for clan members on the map by clicking somewher on the map. - Added palm tree on Jamaica. [03-18-2020] - "Clans" feature added. - "Alive since" timer. - Destroyers buffed. - Goods are automatically sold when abandoning an anchored ship. [03-08-2020] - See quantity of goods in krew settings. - Item: "Fountain of Youth" on Jamaica. - Spawn and respawn in outer map area. - Critical bug (caused server crash). - Progress bar showing level 49 instead of level 50 (after reaching max level). - "Null" value bug after server restart. [03-04-2020] - Promote krew member to captain. - Only large crates / loot at sea. - Red sail (of the own boat) was sometimes in the player's sight. [03-03-2020] - Changelog added.